Production stoppages, community complaints and unpredictable weather events aren’t conducive to an efficient operation or happy neighbours. In reality, these are ‘lose-lose’ situations for all stakeholders.
Furthermore, data from a recent Frost & Sullivan report shows that over 50% of managers at industrial operations around the world said they have experienced dramatic impacts on their organisation on account of environmental factors over the last 3 years.
Considering the data being collected from environmental monitoring systems at industrial sites, why is this still the case?
The answer likely lies in why most environmental monitoring is conducted in the first place.
Environmental data is too complex for non-specialists to extract value or act on

Environmental performance monitoring data has been aimed historically at managing environmental compliance obligations - a necessary objective. Reporting is focused on what happened in the past: historical statistics and trends.
Manual processing is required by on-site staff and subject matter specialists to understand and communicate the significance of impacts. By the time an interpretation of the data has been received the opportunity to take action to avoid incidents, or reduce those impacts, is lost.
There is also a general assumption that automating data acquisition and displaying data will simply lead to value; however, there is little guidance on how environmental data can help drive improvements in operational performance while combating rapid weather changes or deliver least-cost improvements in environmental performance.
Yielding value from the connection of devices that generate data, is not a natural progression.
Unlocking value beyond compliance data with Environmental Intelligence
Unfortunately, most systems available for environmental management focus on the collection, storage and only sometimes, the display of information.
In response to challenges impacting growth outcomes for organisations across the globe, an emerging transformative concept is that of 'Environmental Intelligence' - going beyond the mere data collection focus of conventional environmental monitoring, to the intelligent acquisition and application of environmental knowledge enabled by digital solutions.

Environmental Intelligence systems can help operators at industrial operations cut through complex data to unlock value beyond compliance.
Environmental Intelligence is made possible today through advancements in data analytics. Particularly the integration of data from various environmental parameters such as air, water, weather, noise and vibration, the layering of multiple datasets to ascertain potential risks, enhanced sensor technologies, predictive modelling, improved connectivity and the use of advanced cloud technology.
Implementing Environmental Intelligence systems for real-time and pro-active management can help in acting on insights from the data being collected through the devices. The use of insights from Environmental Intelligence systems, to avoid incidents, improve performance and reduce the number of community complaints, can ensure that the impact of activity on local communities is minimised while productivity of the operation is maximised while also delivering the genuine financial benefits that the business needs.
Free webinar: Dealing with environmental and weather risks
Industrial operations ranging from open-pit mines to wastewater treatment plants are using Environmental Intelligence systems to reduce the number of compliance breaches or events that may result in complaints from nearby communities.
Operators have also reported that the accurate foresight of weather events allows them to optimise and increase production levels by scheduling activities at the right time due to weather, while also improving environmental performance.
At Envirosuite, we believe that regularly assessing high quality and predictive information can help organisations in making confident decisions that optimise operational outcomes.
Join us on 14th April where we will share 3 examples of Environmental Intelligence solutions that deal with environmental and weather risks, enabling you to optimise productivity at your site.
In the webinar we will discuss how to:
Diagnose emissions incidents in real-time
Pinpoint the best plan to avoid environmental incidents
Shorten investigation time of complaints directed at your facility
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