
Operate your mine with confidence

Groundbreaking software for mining environmental management. Optimise your plans for weather risks and maintain compliance while meeting production targets.

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Balancing production goals and environmental management in the mining industry requires situational awareness

Open-pit mining operations will always be at the mercy of changes in weather. The effectiveness of noise, vibration, dust and air quality monitoring can be the difference between continuing or suspending operations.

Today’s mines require highly accurate data and insights about changing environmental conditions to enable operators to use active situational awareness and make better informed decisions at any time.

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Core Features

Mining environmental management software built for today’s operators with tomorrow's outcomes in mind

Our predictive software empowers your mine to avoid or mitigate incidents, such as excessive dust or air quality impacts. Deep insights from operational data allow you to continue to operate efficiently without exceeding thresholds.

Enhancing your operation's performance by unlocking hidden asset value while improving the quality of life for your operation’s workforce and the communities they serve in.

Boost productivity with operational guidance

Digital modelling solutions and simulations help production teams to plan ahead and increase operational efficiency, which can save costs and improve productivity.

Plan for weather risk and effectively support emissions mitigation

Continuously monitor dust parameters, forecast weather risk and plan blasting activities ahead of time to take immediate action while supporting TARP.

Protect your social license to operate

Improve relationships with local communities by sharing information about your continuous environmental management operations and demonstrating rapid as well as confident responses to queries.

Inside the product

Maintain environmental compliance, satisfy regulators and drive efficiency gains

Our software solutions empower your mine to avoid or mitigate incidents. Deep insights from operational data allow you to continue to operate efficiently without exceeding thresholds.


Support operational plans and open-pit mining environmental management obligations

Visualise your environmental monitoring system in real-time to take action on unfolding dust, noise and vibration issues while understanding how weather impacts them.

Get a 72-hour picture of weather and emissions risk for operational planning

Receive deep insights on how to optimise your operation and maintain compliance through integration of site-specific weather data.


Lower expenditure on resources for dust control and mitigation strategies

High-definition, site-specific forecasts allow you to run multiple operational scenarios to confirm the best dust control strategies to mobilise at different times through out the shift.

Recommended products for mining

Hardware or software, we’ve got mining environmental management covered.


We work with most sensors or monitoring devices.
We also build our own compliance grade hardware.

BYO Hardware

We can also work with your pre-existing environmental monitoring system.

Want to know more about our Mining solutions?

Find out how Environmental Intelligence can help you unlock value beyond environmental compliance and empower you to make confident operational decisions.

Get in touch with us and learn more about how you can act faster, perform better and operate at full potential.

Ready to talk?

Hear from our customers

We use Envirosuite across our business to support the world’s best practices in our mining and port operations enabling continued improvement in terms of our environmental, community and financial outcomes. I would recommend to my peers in other mining operations globally to consider adopting the platform to enable the improvement of critical controls and performance metrics."

Jon Evans CEO Cerrejón Mine


Here are answers to common questions about our Mining solutions. Reach out to our team today if you don't see the answer you are looking for.

No. It’s so much more. The Envirosuite solution has been specifically designed from the ground up to provide real-time interpretation of information, in addition to efficient collection, storage and display of data, in a format that anyone in the organisation can use for effective decision making. The solution offers a flexible platform that can accept real-time information from many different devices (i.e. device agnostic).

Our technology incorporates a modular suite of monitoring, analysis, reporting and modelling tools to enable rapid response times and identify potential issues in advance. No alternatives in the market provide such a comprehensive toolkit for proactive air quality management. The system includes unique rapid-analysis tools, such as ‘arcs of influence’ and rapid reverse trajectory analysis, that are not available elsewhere in the market.

Our end-to-end solutions provide a smarter approach to managing your local environmental impact. We capture data from a wide variety of sensors, including noise, air quality, odour, dust, VOCs vibration and water quality that can be deployed to suit your environmental challenges. Our advanced tools provide centralised insights enabling your business to effectively manage and optimise your potential impact.

Envirosuite can model emissions from the operations using local continuous meteorological monitoring data (near real-time air dispersion modelling) or using high resolution weather forecast data (forecast modelling for impact assessment and risk evaluation). The forecast model will provide an assessment of potential impacts extending from the current time out to 72-hours into the future at 1-hour timesteps. Advanced notice of potentially high risk conditions enables the operation to make necessary adjustments before an adverse dust impact begins to occur and avoid risk.

Discrete receptor locations can also be set in the system. Real-time modelling is used to assess the relative contribution of different emission sources to the total predicted concentration at any discrete receptor. This is another method of identifying the likely key contributing sources to potential impacts at a specific location, enabling control measures to target the source and ensure a problem does not occur.

Envirosuite provides benefit for blasting activities at open pit mines through the ability to combine monitoring data with our Blasting Module solution. This has been designed to provide mining operators with the capability to anticipate environmental impacts (blast fumes, overpressure, flyrock and vibration) of their blasts and allow operations to plan the timing of blasts and select the optimal least impact time window.

The financial benefits of Envirosuite vary according to the nature of the risks being managed. The benefits comprise tangible returns such as reduced operating costs or improved scheduling, and intangibles such as improved social licence to operate. If you would like to quantify the value that Envirosuite can save your operations today, please get in touch and we can provide some specific examples for your situation.

Not sure? Talk to one of us
about your environmental management plan for mining.