
Identify possible failures of tailing dams at mining operations with real-time groundwater monitoring and alerting

Our 5-minute video shows how real-time groundwater monitoring and alerting systems can provide an indication of possible tailings dams failures.


2 min

TAGS Mining

As we have seen over recent years in the news, critical infrastructure failures have led to expensive litigation, site closures with costly environmental clean ups, damage to reputation and worst of all, loss of life.

As a result, there is now an increasing focus at mining operations to audit tailings dams to ensure ongoing safety and highlight the importance of groundwater management. However, Environmental Intelligence can now provide highly accurate data and insights to mining operators from quickly fluctuating environmental conditions.

Video: Becoming aware of critical issues before they happen with real-time groundwater monitoring data

The short video below highlights how real-time groundwater monitoring and alerting systems can provide an indication of possible critical failures of tailings dams at mining operations.

Our video highlights, how Envirosuite can give your site the ability to quickly become aware of issues before, and as they appear.

Envirosuite can be implemented with your site’s existing piezometers so here’s no need to reinvest in expensive hardware by leveraging your existing infrastructure and reducing your labour cost.

Watch our On-Demand Webinar: 3 strategies that will define how Environmental Managers take on the future.